Q: What is Gabe’s Pizza Perks?
A: Earn points and rewards for every purchase you make at Gabriel Pizza. You’ll earn 1 point for every $1 you spend which can be used at participating Gabriel Pizza locations.
Q: Can I redeem a reward in person or through the 310-7777 number?
A: Rewards can only be redeemed online at this time.
Q: Do I need to be a Gabe’s Pizza Perks member to participate in rewards?
A: Yes, you must be a registered Gabe’s Pizza Perks member to participate.
Q: Do I need to download the Gabriel Pizza app to be a Gabe’s Pizza Perks member?
A: No, you can also sign up online through the Gabriel Pizza online ordering site.
Q: I tried to check in a receipt and it says “Check in limit reached”
A: For security purposes, we limit the customer to a certain amount of scans per day (2), and a minimum amount of time required between two scans (4 hours).
Q: Can the guest earn points on a receipt from 2 weeks ago?
A: For security purposes, a receipt older than 15 days will not be accepted by the app.
Q: I got a birthday offer, where did it go?
A: Birthday offers are only valid for a limit amount of time 3 days before your birthday and 4 days after.